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All important news, events, or anything else we feel should be discussed by the forum as a whole will be posted here! This includes announcements, polls, activity checks, auditions, site-wide plots, contests, and other goodies! Make sure to keep yourself up-to-date with the news located inside this board or risk missing out on some awesome things!
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Have a friendly suggestion or an idea like a site wide plot or a new species, or even something like a new creature for the bestiary? Then this is the appropriate board to post in! It is guest friendly and open to other suggestions as well, such as polls and reports for bugs.
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If you're looking to affiliate with Full Swing, then this is where you can do it! We ask that you use the appropriate form located inside this board when applying for affiliation with us. If your request is denied, fear not, you may fix the issues at hand and reapply at any time. This board is guest friendly.
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Everyone is welcome to come and freely post their advertisements here under the appropriate sub-board located inside. The limit on how many times you can repost your ad is two advertisements per each page inside the board. Any more than that will be considered spamming and will be deleted. This board is guest friendly.
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